Learning & Teaching Plan

Course code 850-661 and 850-692 Credit 1(0-2-1) Seminar I

Semester 1 Academic year 2023

Teach by Laboratory for 15 times; 3 hour/week

Lecture hour Wed.: 1pm-3pm and Fri.: 1.00pm-3.00pm, Room 3304

Course coordinator Dr. Jirayu Buatong

e-mail: Jirayu.b@psu.ac.th


1. Course Description

Presentation of advance novel technology and progress in food science and technology; report is required

2. Course Learning Outcomes, CLOs

     (Program Learning Outcomes: PLOs)

        (Course Learning Outcomes: CLOs)

PLO1: สร้างองค์ความรู้ใหม่หรือนวัตกรรมเพื่อแก้ปัญหา พัฒนา และปรับปรุงกระบวนการแปรรูปอาหารหรือพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ์อาหารได้อย่างเหมาะสม โดยเน้นอาหารทะเล อาหารฮาลาล และผลิตภัณฑ์ทางการเกษตรภาคใต้

CLO 1.1 Students will be able to synthesize up-to-date information from academic journal in Food Science and Technology related to their thesis.

PLO2: ริเริ่มพัฒนาโจทย์วิจัยเพื่อแก้ปัญหา พัฒนา และปรับปรุงกระบวนการแปรรูปอาหารหรือพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ์อาหารได้อย่างเหมาะสม และกล้าชี้นำในความถูกต้องทางวิชาการ

CLO 2.1 Students will be able to read the research articles in Food Science and Technology and Initiate to develop the seminar title related to solving problems, developing and improving food processing, or food product development.

PLO3: ประยุกต์ใช้องค์ความรู้ด้านวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยีอาหารเพื่อการพัฒนาและปรับปรุงกระบวนการแปรรูป และการพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ์อาหาร โดยเฉพาะอาหารทะเล อาหารฮาลาล และผลิตภัณฑ์ทางการเกษตรภาคใต้

CLO 3.1 Students will be able to write the review article from the seminar presentation as the manuscript format for publication in the national or international academic journal or proceeding.

PLO4: แสดงออกถึงการมีความซื่อสัตย์ ความรับผิดชอบ และจรรยาบรรณทางวิชาการ

CLO 4.1 Students will be able to have self-discipline and responsibility.

PLO5: ประยุกต์ใช้ระเบียบวิธีวิจัยในการพัฒนาโครงการวิจัยได้อย่างถูกต้อง

CLO 5.1 Students will be able to prepare the final report of the seminar related to their thesis in the English language correctly following the research methodologies.

PLO6: เลือกใช้เครื่องมือหรือซอฟต์แวร์ที่เกี่ยวข้องเพื่อเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพในกระบวนการผลิตและพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ์

CLO 6.1 Students will be able to organize and present up-to-date information in Food Science and Technology related to their thesis in the English language.

PLO7:  สามารถสืบค้นและคัดกรองข้อมูลโดยใช้เทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศเพื่อการเรียนรู้อย่างต่อเนื่อง

CLO 7.1 Students will be able to search the up-to-date articles from academic databases related to their thesis.

PLO8: สามารถสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษได้อย่างถูกต้องและตรงประเด็นในวงวิชาการ

CLO 8.1 Students will be able to present the seminar and write a final report in the review article format in the English language correctly and appropriately.


3. Study Plan

3.1 Number of hours per semester


Practical laboratory



Extra Class






3.2 Teaching and Evaluation Plan (Lecture)



Lesson Learning Outcomes: LLOs



Teaching methods/activities

Evaluation methods


Week 1


30th June 2023

To be able to understand about the guideline of this course.

Topic 1: Introduction to seminar course by Coordinator


- Lecture/discussion

- Class participation


Dr. Jirayu Buatong

Week 2


5th July 2023

To be able to understand about the database searching.

Topic 2: Training on “Database search tips” at Khunying Long Athakravisunthorn Learning Resources Center.

Place: Khunying Long Library


- Lecture/discussion

- Class participation

Ms. Rattana Yamacharuen

Week 3


7th July 2023 (9.00am - 4.30pm)


Online submission on LMS@PSU.

To be able to develop the seminar title

related to their thesis.

Topic 3: Submit seminar title






(Seminar guideline book)


- Submit seminar title

- Submit the seminar title on time and have an accuracy of the content.

Dr. Jirayu Buatong




Lesson Learning Outcomes: LLOs



Teaching methods/activities

Evaluation methods


Week 4


21st July 2023 (9.00am - 4.30pm)


Online submission on LMS@PSU.

To be able to synthesize the scope of seminar and content related to their thesis.

Topic 4: Submit the 1st Progress Report

(scope of seminar and content 10%)



(Seminar guideline book)


- Submit the progress report

- Submit the progress report on time and have an accuracy of the content.

Dr. Jirayu Buatong

Week 5


*Date and time will be confirmed


To be able to understand about the manuscript preparation.

Topic 5: Training on the topic Manuscript preparation

(on late July)

By Prof. Dr. Soottawat Benjakul (Clip VDO)


- Lecture/discussion

- Class participation

Dr. Jirayu Buatong,


Week 6


*Date and time will be confirmed


To be able to understand about the manuscript writing.

Topic 6: Manuscript writing workshop



(on early September)


- Lecture/discussion

- Class participation

Dr. Jirayu Buatong, Prof. Dr. Benjamas Cheirsilp, Dr. Avtar Singh, Dr. Krisana Nilsuwan,

Week 7


*Date and time will be confirmed


To be able to understand about the academic presentation technique.

Topic 7: Presentation technique



(on late September)


- Lecture/discussion

- Class participation

Dr. Jirayu Buatong





Lesson Learning Outcomes: LLOs



Teaching methods/activities

Evaluation methods


Week 8


18th August 2023 (9.00am - 4.30pm)



Online submission on LMS@PSU.

To be able to synthesize the introduction and content of the review from academic journal in Food Science and Technology related to their thesis with 60% of seminar content.

Topic 8: Submit the 2nd Progress Report






(Seminar guideline book)


- Active learning activities

- Submit the progress report

- Submit the progress report on time and have an accuracy of the content.

Dr. Jirayu Buatong

Week 9


22nd September 2023 (9.00am - 4.30pm)



Online submission LMS@PSU.

To be able to synthesize the Introduction, content conclusion, and abstract of the review from academic journal in Food Science and Technology related to their thesis with 100% of seminar content.

Topic 9: Submit the 3rd Progress Report






 (Seminar guideline book and Abstract)


- Active learning activities

- Submit the progress report

- Submit the progress report on time and have an accuracy of the content.

Dr. Jirayu Buatong

Week 10


25nd September 2023 (9.00am - 4.30pm)



Online submission LMS@PSU.

To be able to summarize up-to-date information from academic journal in Food Science and Technology related to their thesis in the seminar abstract.

Topic 10: Submit Abstract


- Active learning activities

- Submit the progress report

- Submit the abstract on time and have an accuracy of the content.

Dr.Jirayu Buatong




Lesson Learning Outcomes: LLOs



Teaching methods/activities

Evaluation methods


Week 11


27th and 29th 2023 September 2023 (1.00pm - 4.00pm)

(Room will be announced)

To be able to organize and present up-to-date information in Food Science and Technology related to their thesis in the English language.

Topic 11: Seminar presentation


- Active learning activities

- Presentation performance, media and time

- Response to questions

Dr. Jirayu Buatong and evaluation committee team

Week 12


6th October 2023 (9.00am - 4.30pm)


Online submission LMS@PSU.

To be able to summarize the final report of seminar.

Topic 12: Submit the final report and upload the abstract file*

(Seminar guideline book and Faculty’s website)


- Active learning activities

- Submit the final report

- Submit the final report, upload the abstract file on time and have an accuracy of the content.

Dr. Jirayu Buatong







4. Assessment plan and evaluation for learning outcome

4.1 Evaluation

Course Learning Outcomes: CLOs

Evaluation Methods


Percentage of Evaluation

1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 7.1, 8.1

  1. Evaluate by advisor:


1.1    Progress report 3 times (each 1.5 mark = 4.5 mark) and abstract 1.5 mark

1.2    Final report


4, 8, 9, 10







1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 7.1, 8.1







2. Evaluate by committee:


   2.1 Abstract

   2.2 Rationale and background

   2.3 Contents

   2.4 Conclusion

   2.5 Presentation performance

            2.5.1 Delivery

  • Speak with clear and strong voice, use correct pronunciation.











Course Learning Outcomes: CLOs

Evaluation Methods


Percentage of Evaluation

1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 7.1, 8.1


  • Eye contact with the audiences. Important information is strongly delivered.

2.5.2 Organization

  • Well time organization, visual aids in presentation are well             arrangement, transition between topics are smooth, prepare a presentation in a logical sequence.

2.5.3 Personality

  • Naturally showing confidence and dressed appropriately

   2.6 Presentation media

   2.7 Presentation time

   2.8 Response to questions

















3. Evaluate by course coordinator:


   3.1 Class participation

   3.2 Submit the progress report, abstract, and final report on time.

























4.2 Rubric score

4.2.1 Rubric score for seminar presentation (60%)

Evaluation topic






Abstract (5%)

Highlights the important findings with enough information to understand the content of the presentation. Writing with well organization, conciseness, and no typing errors.

Describe the information to understand the content of the presentation. Writing with acceptable organization and some typing errors.

Missing some information according to the content of the presentation. It is difficult to understand and has many typing errors.

Missing many information according to the content of the presentation. It is difficult to understand and has many typing errors.

Abstract is not provided or just provided in the meeting room.

Rationale and background (4%)

Very clear rationale with strong and correct supporting information.

Clear rationale with the correct supporting information.

Rationale with doubts and not enough supporting information.

No rationale and not enough supporting information.

No rationale and no supporting information.

Contents (10%)

Analyze data with understanding and high precision in accordance with the rationale.  Synthesize the information with excellent quality.

Analyze data with understanding, with a small amount of error, and corresponding to the rationale. Synthesize the information with good quality.

Analyze data with a large amount of error and no correlation to the rationale. Synthesize the information with moderate quality.

Analyze data with a large amount of error and no correlation to the rationale. Need improvement in synthesizing the information.

Present the information with a large amount of error and without understanding and analysis, and no correlation to the rationale. Need improvement in synthesizing the information.

Conclusion (4%)

Summarize the major findings or the important information correctly in accordance with the rationale.

Summarize the information correctly but do not align with the rationale.

State the correct information without summarizing in accordance with the rationale.

State the incorrect information without summarization in accordance with the rationale.

No presentation in this topic.




Evaluation topic






Presentation performance

-Delivery (6%)

Speak with clear and strong voice, use correct pronunciation, Eye contact with the audiences.  Important information is strongly delivered.





Need improvement

- Organization (8%)

Well time organization, visual aids in presentation are well arrangement, transition between topics are smooth, prepare a presentation in a logical sequence.





Need improvement

-   Personality (4%)

Naturally showing confidence and dressed appropriately





Need improvement

Presentation media (5%)

Font size and color are both suitable. Graphs and tables are designed clearly enough for easy understanding. No typing errors. 

Font size and color are not suitable. Graphs and tables are designed for easy understanding. No typing errors. 

Font size and color are not suitable. Graphs and tables are designed with acceptable quality. Some typing errors are found.

Font size and color are not suitable. Graphs and tables are poorly designed and difficult to understand. Many typing errors are found. 

Presentation media is not appropriate and needs improvement.


Presentation time (4%)

14-16 min (10 points) 13-14 or 16-17 min (9 points)

12-13 or 17-18  min (8 points) 11-12 or 18-19 min (7 points)

10-11 or 18-19 min (6 points) 9-10 or 20-21 min (5 points)



Response to questions (10%)

All questions are answered correctly

Most questions are answered correctly.  Only 1-2 questions are not answered correctly.

Most questions are answered correctly.  Only 3-4 questions are not answered correctly.

Most questions are not answered correctly. 

All questions are not answered correctly. 

4.2.2. Rubric score for reports evaluation (35 %)


Evaluation topic






Responsibility (4%)

Submit the report on time or before the due date

Submit the report after the due date by 1-2 days.

Submit the report after the due date by 3-4 days.

Submit the report with warning and after the due date by 5-7 days.

Submit the report with warning and after the due date by >7 days.

Searching literature review (4%)

Searching literature review in accordance with the topic and contents of 90-100%

Searching literature review in accordance with the topic and contents of 70-80%

Searching literature review in accordance with the topic and contents of 50-60%

Searching literature review in accordance with the topic and contents of 30-40%

Searching literature review in accordance with the topic and contents of 10-20%

Critical thinking and organization (8%)

Excellent quality in information synthesis with critical thinking and writing organization.

Good quality in information synthesis with critical thinking and writing organization.

Satisfactory quality in information synthesis without critical thinking and writing organization.

Poor quality in information synthesis without critical thinking and writing organization.

Very poor quality in information synthesis without critical thinking and writing organization.

Academic writing (8%)

Correction in grammar and spelling, the format and component of content, citation and references

Excellent quality with the complete content of 90-100%

Good quality with the complete content of 70-80%  

Satisfactory quality with the complete content of 50-60%  

Poor quality with the complete content of 30-40%  

Very poor quality with the complete content of 10-20%  

Note: the full score for all topics is 10.


5. Grading








































8. References

คณาจารย์ภาควิชาเทคโนโลยีอาหาร. 2553. คู่มือปฏิบัติการกรรมวิธีการแปรรูปและวิศวกรรมอาหาร. คณะอุ      ตสาหกรรม เกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์.

ศูนย์เครื่องมือกลาง คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์. เอกสารการทำแห้งแบบแช่เยือกแข็ง.

Binici, A. and Kaya, G.K. 2018. Effect of brine and dry salting methods on the physicochemical and microbial quality of chub (Squalius cephalus Linnaeus, 1758). Food Science and Technology. 38 (Suppl): 66-70.

Corzo-Martinez, M., Corzo, N., Villamiel, M., del Castillo, M.D. and Simpson, B.K. 2012. Browning Reaction. In Food Biochemistry and Food Processing, Second Edition. Wiley. Online Library. 

Fellow, P.J. 2009. Principle of Size Reduction. In Food Processing Technology, 3rd edition. Boca Raton FL: CRC Press.

Fernandez-Salguero, J. Gommez, R. and Carmona, M.A. 1993. Water Activity in Selected High-

Moisture Foods. J. Food Composition and Analysis. 6: 364-369.

Fongin, S., Alvino Granados, A.E., Harnkarnsujarit, N., Hagura, Y. and Kawai, K. 2019. Effects of maltodextrin and pulp on the water sorption, glass transition, and caking properties of freeze-dried mango powder. J. Food Eng. 247: 95-103.

Fontana, Jr., J.A. 2000. Understanding the importance of water activity in food. Cereal Food World. 45(1):7-10.

Harnkarnsujarit, N., Kawai, K., Watanabe, M., Suzuki, T. 2016. Effects of freezing on microstructure and rehydration properties of freeze-dried soybean curd. J. Food Eng. 184:10-20.

Jay, J.M. 2000. Modern Food Microbiology. Aspen Publishers, Inc, Gaithersburg, Maryland

Marandi, S., Sachdev, A.K., Saxena, V.K., Gopal. R and Khan, A.A. 2013. Quality changes in salted chicken eggs.  International Journal of Food Nutrition and Safety. 3(1): 7-14.

Martinez M.V. and Whitaker, J.R. 1995. The Biochemistry and Control of enzymatic Browning Trends in Foods and Technology. 6(6): 195-200.

Mujumdar, A.S. 2011. Drying: Principles and Practice. International Workshop on Drying of Food and Biomaterials. Bangkok–June 6­7, 2011.

Trieste, M. 1995. Drying Principles and Theory: an overview.  International Atomic Energy Agency and United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.


Wang, Z.A., Dai, C and Wang, T.Y. 2017.  A simple method to evaluate oil in salted egg. International Journal of Food Properties. 20 (2): 1816–1822.

Yadav, A.K. and Singh, S.V. 2014. Osmotic dehydration of fruits and vegetables: a review. Journal Food Science and Technology. 51(9): 1654–1673.



Prepared by...............................................Course Coordinator                                    Approved by.............................................Program director

                (.................................................)                                        (................................................)

                 ............/.............../..............                                                 ............/.............../..............

Learning & Teaching Plan

Course code 850-661 and 850-692 Credit 1(0-2-1) Seminar I

Semester 1 Academic year 2023

Teach by Laboratory for 15 times; 3 hour/week

Lecture hour Wed.: 1pm-3pm and Fri.: 1.00pm-3.00pm, Room 3304

Course coordinator Dr. Jirayu Buatong

e-mail: Jirayu.b@psu.ac.th


1. Course Description

Presentation of advance novel technology and progress in food science and technology; report is required

2. Course Learning Outcomes, CLOs

     (Program Learning Outcomes: PLOs)

        (Course Learning Outcomes: CLOs)

PLO1: สร้างองค์ความรู้ใหม่หรือนวัตกรรมเพื่อแก้ปัญหา พัฒนา และปรับปรุงกระบวนการแปรรูปอาหารหรือพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ์อาหารได้อย่างเหมาะสม โดยเน้นอาหารทะเล อาหารฮาลาล และผลิตภัณฑ์ทางการเกษตรภาคใต้

CLO 1.1 Students will be able to synthesize up-to-date information from academic journal in Food Science and Technology related to their thesis.

PLO2: ริเริ่มพัฒนาโจทย์วิจัยเพื่อแก้ปัญหา พัฒนา และปรับปรุงกระบวนการแปรรูปอาหารหรือพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ์อาหารได้อย่างเหมาะสม และกล้าชี้นำในความถูกต้องทางวิชาการ

CLO 2.1 Students will be able to read the research articles in Food Science and Technology and Initiate to develop the seminar title related to solving problems, developing and improving food processing, or food product development.

PLO3: ประยุกต์ใช้องค์ความรู้ด้านวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยีอาหารเพื่อการพัฒนาและปรับปรุงกระบวนการแปรรูป และการพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ์อาหาร โดยเฉพาะอาหารทะเล อาหารฮาลาล และผลิตภัณฑ์ทางการเกษตรภาคใต้

CLO 3.1 Students will be able to write the review article from the seminar presentation as the manuscript format for publication in the national or international academic journal or proceeding.

PLO4: แสดงออกถึงการมีความซื่อสัตย์ ความรับผิดชอบ และจรรยาบรรณทางวิชาการ

CLO 4.1 Students will be able to have self-discipline and responsibility.

PLO5: ประยุกต์ใช้ระเบียบวิธีวิจัยในการพัฒนาโครงการวิจัยได้อย่างถูกต้อง

CLO 5.1 Students will be able to prepare the final report of the seminar related to their thesis in the English language correctly following the research methodologies.

PLO6: เลือกใช้เครื่องมือหรือซอฟต์แวร์ที่เกี่ยวข้องเพื่อเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพในกระบวนการผลิตและพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ์

CLO 6.1 Students will be able to organize and present up-to-date information in Food Science and Technology related to their thesis in the English language.

PLO7:  สามารถสืบค้นและคัดกรองข้อมูลโดยใช้เทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศเพื่อการเรียนรู้อย่างต่อเนื่อง

CLO 7.1 Students will be able to search the up-to-date articles from academic databases related to their thesis.

PLO8: สามารถสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษได้อย่างถูกต้องและตรงประเด็นในวงวิชาการ

CLO 8.1 Students will be able to present the seminar and write a final report in the review article format in the English language correctly and appropriately.


3. Study Plan

3.1 Number of hours per semester


Practical laboratory



Extra Class






3.2 Teaching and Evaluation Plan (Lecture)



Lesson Learning Outcomes: LLOs



Teaching methods/activities

Evaluation methods


Week 1


30th June 2023

To be able to understand about the guideline of this course.

Topic 1: Introduction to seminar course by Coordinator


- Lecture/discussion

- Class participation


Dr. Jirayu Buatong

Week 2


5th July 2023

To be able to understand about the database searching.

Topic 2: Training on “Database search tips” at Khunying Long Athakravisunthorn Learning Resources Center.

Place: Khunying Long Library


- Lecture/discussion

- Class participation

Ms. Rattana Yamacharuen

Week 3


7th July 2023 (9.00am - 4.30pm)


Online submission on LMS@PSU.

To be able to develop the seminar title

related to their thesis.

Topic 3: Submit seminar title






(Seminar guideline book)


- Submit seminar title

- Submit the seminar title on time and have an accuracy of the content.

Dr. Jirayu Buatong




Lesson Learning Outcomes: LLOs



Teaching methods/activities

Evaluation methods


Week 4


21st July 2023 (9.00am - 4.30pm)


Online submission on LMS@PSU.

To be able to synthesize the scope of seminar and content related to their thesis.

Topic 4: Submit the 1st Progress Report

(scope of seminar and content 10%)



(Seminar guideline book)


- Submit the progress report

- Submit the progress report on time and have an accuracy of the content.

Dr. Jirayu Buatong

Week 5


*Date and time will be confirmed


To be able to understand about the manuscript preparation.

Topic 5: Training on the topic Manuscript preparation

(on late July)

By Prof. Dr. Soottawat Benjakul (Clip VDO)


- Lecture/discussion

- Class participation

Dr. Jirayu Buatong,


Week 6


*Date and time will be confirmed


To be able to understand about the manuscript writing.

Topic 6: Manuscript writing workshop



(on early September)


- Lecture/discussion

- Class participation

Dr. Jirayu Buatong, Prof. Dr. Benjamas Cheirsilp, Dr. Avtar Singh, Dr. Krisana Nilsuwan,

Week 7


*Date and time will be confirmed


To be able to understand about the academic presentation technique.

Topic 7: Presentation technique



(on late September)


- Lecture/discussion

- Class participation

Dr. Jirayu Buatong





Lesson Learning Outcomes: LLOs



Teaching methods/activities

Evaluation methods


Week 8


18th August 2023 (9.00am - 4.30pm)



Online submission on LMS@PSU.

To be able to synthesize the introduction and content of the review from academic journal in Food Science and Technology related to their thesis with 60% of seminar content.

Topic 8: Submit the 2nd Progress Report






(Seminar guideline book)


- Active learning activities

- Submit the progress report

- Submit the progress report on time and have an accuracy of the content.

Dr. Jirayu Buatong

Week 9


22nd September 2023 (9.00am - 4.30pm)



Online submission LMS@PSU.

To be able to synthesize the Introduction, content conclusion, and abstract of the review from academic journal in Food Science and Technology related to their thesis with 100% of seminar content.

Topic 9: Submit the 3rd Progress Report






 (Seminar guideline book and Abstract)


- Active learning activities

- Submit the progress report

- Submit the progress report on time and have an accuracy of the content.

Dr. Jirayu Buatong

Week 10


25nd September 2023 (9.00am - 4.30pm)



Online submission LMS@PSU.

To be able to summarize up-to-date information from academic journal in Food Science and Technology related to their thesis in the seminar abstract.

Topic 10: Submit Abstract


- Active learning activities

- Submit the progress report

- Submit the abstract on time and have an accuracy of the content.

Dr.Jirayu Buatong




Lesson Learning Outcomes: LLOs



Teaching methods/activities

Evaluation methods


Week 11


27th and 29th 2023 September 2023 (1.00pm - 4.00pm)

(Room will be announced)

To be able to organize and present up-to-date information in Food Science and Technology related to their thesis in the English language.

Topic 11: Seminar presentation


- Active learning activities

- Presentation performance, media and time

- Response to questions

Dr. Jirayu Buatong and evaluation committee team

Week 12


6th October 2023 (9.00am - 4.30pm)


Online submission LMS@PSU.

To be able to summarize the final report of seminar.

Topic 12: Submit the final report and upload the abstract file*

(Seminar guideline book and Faculty’s website)


- Active learning activities

- Submit the final report

- Submit the final report, upload the abstract file on time and have an accuracy of the content.

Dr. Jirayu Buatong







4. Assessment plan and evaluation for learning outcome

4.1 Evaluation

Course Learning Outcomes: CLOs

Evaluation Methods


Percentage of Evaluation

1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 7.1, 8.1

  1. Evaluate by advisor:


1.1    Progress report 3 times (each 1.5 mark = 4.5 mark) and abstract 1.5 mark

1.2    Final report


4, 8, 9, 10







1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 7.1, 8.1







2. Evaluate by committee:


   2.1 Abstract

   2.2 Rationale and background

   2.3 Contents

   2.4 Conclusion

   2.5 Presentation performance

            2.5.1 Delivery

  • Speak with clear and strong voice, use correct pronunciation.











Course Learning Outcomes: CLOs

Evaluation Methods


Percentage of Evaluation

1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 7.1, 8.1


  • Eye contact with the audiences. Important information is strongly delivered.

2.5.2 Organization

  • Well time organization, visual aids in presentation are well             arrangement, transition between topics are smooth, prepare a presentation in a logical sequence.

2.5.3 Personality

  • Naturally showing confidence and dressed appropriately

   2.6 Presentation media

   2.7 Presentation time

   2.8 Response to questions

















3. Evaluate by course coordinator:


   3.1 Class participation

   3.2 Submit the progress report, abstract, and final report on time.

























4.2 Rubric score

4.2.1 Rubric score for seminar presentation (60%)

Evaluation topic






Abstract (5%)

Highlights the important findings with enough information to understand the content of the presentation. Writing with well organization, conciseness, and no typing errors.

Describe the information to understand the content of the presentation. Writing with acceptable organization and some typing errors.

Missing some information according to the content of the presentation. It is difficult to understand and has many typing errors.

Missing many information according to the content of the presentation. It is difficult to understand and has many typing errors.

Abstract is not provided or just provided in the meeting room.

Rationale and background (4%)

Very clear rationale with strong and correct supporting information.

Clear rationale with the correct supporting information.

Rationale with doubts and not enough supporting information.

No rationale and not enough supporting information.

No rationale and no supporting information.

Contents (10%)

Analyze data with understanding and high precision in accordance with the rationale.  Synthesize the information with excellent quality.

Analyze data with understanding, with a small amount of error, and corresponding to the rationale. Synthesize the information with good quality.

Analyze data with a large amount of error and no correlation to the rationale. Synthesize the information with moderate quality.

Analyze data with a large amount of error and no correlation to the rationale. Need improvement in synthesizing the information.

Present the information with a large amount of error and without understanding and analysis, and no correlation to the rationale. Need improvement in synthesizing the information.

Conclusion (4%)

Summarize the major findings or the important information correctly in accordance with the rationale.

Summarize the information correctly but do not align with the rationale.

State the correct information without summarizing in accordance with the rationale.

State the incorrect information without summarization in accordance with the rationale.

No presentation in this topic.




Evaluation topic






Presentation performance

-Delivery (6%)

Speak with clear and strong voice, use correct pronunciation, Eye contact with the audiences.  Important information is strongly delivered.





Need improvement

- Organization (8%)

Well time organization, visual aids in presentation are well arrangement, transition between topics are smooth, prepare a presentation in a logical sequence.





Need improvement

-   Personality (4%)

Naturally showing confidence and dressed appropriately





Need improvement

Presentation media (5%)

Font size and color are both suitable. Graphs and tables are designed clearly enough for easy understanding. No typing errors. 

Font size and color are not suitable. Graphs and tables are designed for easy understanding. No typing errors. 

Font size and color are not suitable. Graphs and tables are designed with acceptable quality. Some typing errors are found.

Font size and color are not suitable. Graphs and tables are poorly designed and difficult to understand. Many typing errors are found. 

Presentation media is not appropriate and needs improvement.


Presentation time (4%)

14-16 min (10 points) 13-14 or 16-17 min (9 points)

12-13 or 17-18  min (8 points) 11-12 or 18-19 min (7 points)

10-11 or 18-19 min (6 points) 9-10 or 20-21 min (5 points)



Response to questions (10%)

All questions are answered correctly

Most questions are answered correctly.  Only 1-2 questions are not answered correctly.

Most questions are answered correctly.  Only 3-4 questions are not answered correctly.

Most questions are not answered correctly. 

All questions are not answered correctly. 

4.2.2. Rubric score for reports evaluation (35 %)


Evaluation topic






Responsibility (4%)

Submit the report on time or before the due date

Submit the report after the due date by 1-2 days.

Submit the report after the due date by 3-4 days.

Submit the report with warning and after the due date by 5-7 days.

Submit the report with warning and after the due date by >7 days.

Searching literature review (4%)

Searching literature review in accordance with the topic and contents of 90-100%

Searching literature review in accordance with the topic and contents of 70-80%

Searching literature review in accordance with the topic and contents of 50-60%

Searching literature review in accordance with the topic and contents of 30-40%

Searching literature review in accordance with the topic and contents of 10-20%

Critical thinking and organization (8%)

Excellent quality in information synthesis with critical thinking and writing organization.

Good quality in information synthesis with critical thinking and writing organization.

Satisfactory quality in information synthesis without critical thinking and writing organization.

Poor quality in information synthesis without critical thinking and writing organization.

Very poor quality in information synthesis without critical thinking and writing organization.

Academic writing (8%)

Correction in grammar and spelling, the format and component of content, citation and references

Excellent quality with the complete content of 90-100%

Good quality with the complete content of 70-80%  

Satisfactory quality with the complete content of 50-60%  

Poor quality with the complete content of 30-40%  

Very poor quality with the complete content of 10-20%  

Note: the full score for all topics is 10.


5. Grading








































8. References

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Binici, A. and Kaya, G.K. 2018. Effect of brine and dry salting methods on the physicochemical and microbial quality of chub (Squalius cephalus Linnaeus, 1758). Food Science and Technology. 38 (Suppl): 66-70.

Corzo-Martinez, M., Corzo, N., Villamiel, M., del Castillo, M.D. and Simpson, B.K. 2012. Browning Reaction. In Food Biochemistry and Food Processing, Second Edition. Wiley. Online Library. 

Fellow, P.J. 2009. Principle of Size Reduction. In Food Processing Technology, 3rd edition. Boca Raton FL: CRC Press.

Fernandez-Salguero, J. Gommez, R. and Carmona, M.A. 1993. Water Activity in Selected High-

Moisture Foods. J. Food Composition and Analysis. 6: 364-369.

Fongin, S., Alvino Granados, A.E., Harnkarnsujarit, N., Hagura, Y. and Kawai, K. 2019. Effects of maltodextrin and pulp on the water sorption, glass transition, and caking properties of freeze-dried mango powder. J. Food Eng. 247: 95-103.

Fontana, Jr., J.A. 2000. Understanding the importance of water activity in food. Cereal Food World. 45(1):7-10.

Harnkarnsujarit, N., Kawai, K., Watanabe, M., Suzuki, T. 2016. Effects of freezing on microstructure and rehydration properties of freeze-dried soybean curd. J. Food Eng. 184:10-20.

Jay, J.M. 2000. Modern Food Microbiology. Aspen Publishers, Inc, Gaithersburg, Maryland

Marandi, S., Sachdev, A.K., Saxena, V.K., Gopal. R and Khan, A.A. 2013. Quality changes in salted chicken eggs.  International Journal of Food Nutrition and Safety. 3(1): 7-14.

Martinez M.V. and Whitaker, J.R. 1995. The Biochemistry and Control of enzymatic Browning Trends in Foods and Technology. 6(6): 195-200.

Mujumdar, A.S. 2011. Drying: Principles and Practice. International Workshop on Drying of Food and Biomaterials. Bangkok–June 6­7, 2011.

Trieste, M. 1995. Drying Principles and Theory: an overview.  International Atomic Energy Agency and United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.


Wang, Z.A., Dai, C and Wang, T.Y. 2017.  A simple method to evaluate oil in salted egg. International Journal of Food Properties. 20 (2): 1816–1822.

Yadav, A.K. and Singh, S.V. 2014. Osmotic dehydration of fruits and vegetables: a review. Journal Food Science and Technology. 51(9): 1654–1673.



Prepared by...............................................Course Coordinator                                    Approved by.............................................Program director

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